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Hannah's Training Videos

Hannah's Training Videos
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Hannah Kaufman Performance Horses

Hannah Kaufman Performance Horses

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Hannah on 5-9

Hannah on 5-9

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Advanced halter work with Hannah and Midway

Advanced halter work with Hannah and Midway

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I don’t claim to be a roper.

It’s not something I’m naturally talented at. I do however like to play around with a rope and be one of the “cool kids” around a dummy! There was a time that I worked very hard to rope and practiced every day, even got lessons. I reached my goals and won a check in the team roping that year and won a breakaway buckle.

Here is what you don’t know… along with roping being challenging in itself I have a “bad

shoulder”. And when I say bad I mean I have dislocated it multiple times and have even had

surgery done. Surgery didn’t help. I have learned to avoid actives and arm positions that put

my socket in jeopardy. Roping became a “threatening activity”. I could feel my shoulder

subluxate once in awhile, so I decided it best that I hung my rope bag up.

About a year ago I started working out. Serious working out. Hired a trainer and even

competed in a fitness show. Something awesome happened! My shoulder got stronger!

The other day as my friends were gathered around the roping dummy I couldn’t help but join in on the fun. I figured lobbing the rope at the dummy would be more fun than watching. I have never been very good at spectating. I dug out my rope bag and shook the dust off a ten-yearold rope. I built a loop. With a bit of hesitation, I swung it over my head. And threw it at the dummy. IT FELT GREAT! I felt in control and strong. In fact, I felt stronger than I ever had before!

I don’t have plans to be a competitive roper, but it sure feels good to know my body is stronger and I might be able to hit the practice pen with some friends. Maybe with a little work I won’t even be the “entertainment” in the practice pen but part of the “team” in “team roping”! Months of hard work building my muscles up in the gym has paid off in more ways than one!

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Hannah Kaufman

Hannah Kaufman Performance Horses

Russelville, MO


Tel- (573)-289-7311

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