Hannah Kaufman
Barrel Racing
Source: http://www.illinoishorsefair.com/clinicians/?fbclid=IwAR3c2aIk0kAt6BTWzmcdfzcRnh6mVJw3wQo7Dfd86ogY1-4QPcgO9mzC4Vk

Click here for Hannah’s clinic entry packet.
Hannah is a futurity barrel horse trainer from Missouri. She grew up ranching and has a background of cutting and reining horses. She believes a good foundation is key to every performance horse! Hannah’s barrel horse clinics involve a lot of flat work exercises that each rider can take home with them and use on different horses of all ages to train, fine tune, or problem solve. She also spends extensive time on the pattern with general barrel racing tips and drills along with lots of one-on-one time with each rider’s specific needs! All levels of horses and riders are always welcome!
Hannah has competed and won in the rodeo arena, barrel races and futurities such as AFRA, NBHA, BBR, BFA along with other associations and futurities. She enjoys training, competing, and putting on clinics across the USA and Canada.
Website: www.hannahkaufmanperformancehorses.com
Facebook: Hannan Kaufman or Hannan Kaufman Performance Horses
Email: hannahbelle24@hotmail.com

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